Structs vs. Classes

Standard question which I would like to ask to the rejected candidates as one of the last questions to make them feel that they have not done very badly in their interview ;)

A struct is a user-defined value type created on the stack. It may contain both reference and value types. It’s used to represent a light weight object which consumes a small memory such as point, color and the like.

Unlike classes, the fields of a struct cannot be initialized. It will give an error saying ‘cannot have instance field initializers in structs’.

struct MyStruct
int x = 0; // error
int y = 0; // error

Structs cannot contain explicit parameter less constructors (default constructor), but we can have one or more constructors. C# compiler provides implicitly provides default constructor to initialize the default values for the members of a struct.

struct MyStruct
int i,j;

MyStruct() // error

MyStruct(int i) //correct
this.i = i;
this.j = 0;

MyStruct(int i, int j) //correct
this.i = i;
this.j = j;

We can create struct objects as below, in the second case; we must initialize the struct fields before using it as it’s just a declaration.

1. MyStruct obj = new MyStruct();
2. MyStruct obj;

Below is the example showing Structs pass by value and Classes passed by reference

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class MyClass
public int iVariable;

struct MyStruct
public int iVariable;

class TestClass
public static void Method1(MyStruct s)
s.iVariable = 200;
public static void Method2(MyClass c)
c.iVariable = 200;

static void Main()
MyStruct objStruct = new MyStruct();
MyClass objClass = new MyClass();

objClass.iVariable = 100;
objStruct.iVariable = 100;


//As it is a struct being passed as value

//As it is a class being passed as reference


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